July 22, 2022
Solve The Given Definite Integrals By Using Trapezoidal Rule
Trapezoidal Rule :-
Source code :-
//FOR Intregration [e^(atan(x))]
#include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>double f(double x){ return (exp(atan(x))); // Replace With given Equation}int main(){ double a,b,x[50],y[50],h,sum0=0.0,sum1=0.0; int n,i; printf("Enter the lower limit: "); scanf("%lf",&a); printf("\nEnter the upper limit: "); scanf("%lf",&b); printf("\nEnter the number of sub intervals: "); scanf("%d",&n); h=(b-a)/n; x[0]=a; x[n]=b; y[0]=f(x[0]); y[n]=f(x[n]); sum0=y[0]+y[n]; for(i=1;i<n;i++) { x[i]=x[0]+i*h; y[i]=f(x[i]); sum1=sum1+y[i]; } //Steps display [optional] printf("\nComputation table:-\n"); printf("\n| i |\t| Xi=Xo+ih |\t| Yi=f(x),i=0,%d |\t| Yi=f(x),i=1 to %2d |\n\n",n,n-1); for(i=0;i<=n;i++) { printf("| %2d |\t| %5.5lf |",i,x[i]); if(i==0||i==n) printf("\t| %5.5lf\t |",y[i]); else printf("\t|\t\t |"); if(i==0||i==n) { printf("\t|\t\t |\n"); continue; } printf("\t| %5.5lf\t |\n",y[i]); } printf("\n| sum |\t| \t |\t| %5.5f\t |\t| %5.5lf\t |\n",sum0,sum1); //step display stop. sum1=(h/2.0)*(sum0+(2*sum1)); printf("\n\nThe result is = %5.5lf\n",sum1); return 1;}
Input-Output :-
abhi@hp-15q-laptop:~$ gcc trapezoidal.cabhi@hp-15q-laptop:~$ ./a.out
Enter the lower limit: 0
Enter the upper limit: 1
Enter the number of sub intervals: 5
Computation table:-
| i | | Xi=Xo+ih | | Yi=f(x),i=0,5 | | Yi=f(x),i=1 to 4 |
| 0 | | 0.00000 | | 1.00000 | | || 1 | | 0.20000 | | | | 1.21823 || 2 | | 0.40000 | | | | 1.46303 || 3 | | 0.60000 | | | | 1.71673 || 4 | | 0.80000 | | | | 1.96352 || 5 | | 1.00000 | | 2.19328 | | |
| sum | | | | 3.19328 | | 6.36150 |
The result is = 1.59163