July 23, 2022
Finding The Shortest Distance And Path Between Every Pair Of Vertices Using Floyd's Algorithm
Source code :-
#include<stdio.h>#define maxsize 20void disp_matrix(int [][maxsize],int );void show_path(int [][maxsize],int ,int );int main(){ int d[maxsize][maxsize],s[maxsize][maxsize],i,j,k,n; printf("Enter the number of vertex : "); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { if(i==j) { d[i][j]=32767; s[i][j]=32767; continue; } printf("\nEnter weightage between [%d][%d] (if no edge then enter 32767) = ",i,j); scanf("%d",&d[i][j]); s[i][j]=j; } printf("\n"); } for(k=1;k<=n;k++) { for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { if(i==k) continue; for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { if(j==k||i==j) continue; if(d[i][k]+d[k][j]<d[i][j]) { d[i][j]=d[i][k]+d[k][j]; s[i][j]=k; } } } } printf("\nThe Distance matrix is :-\n\n"); disp_matrix(d,n); printf("\n\nThe Path matrix is :-\n\n"); disp_matrix(s,n); printf("\nEnter the two vertex whose distance you want to know :-\n"); printf("\nEnter the starting vertex Vi = "); scanf("%d",&i); printf("\nEnter the ending vertex Vj = "); scanf("%d",&j); if(i<1||i>n) { printf("\nThe starting vertex is not found."); return 1; } else if(j<1||j>n) { printf("\nThe ending vertex is not found."); return 1; } if(i==j) { printf("\nThe starting vertex and the ending vertex will not same."); return 1; } if(d[i][j]==32767) { printf("\nThere are no minimum distance between vertex %d to %d\n",i,j); printf("\nThere are no shortest path between vertex %d to %d",i,j); return 1; } printf("\nThe shortest distance between vertex %d to %d is = %d\n",i,j,d[i][j]); printf("\nThe shortest path from %d to %d is : ",i,j); printf("%d",i); show_path(s,i,j); return 1;}void show_path(int s[][maxsize],int i,int j){ if(s[i][j]==j) { printf(" -> %d",s[i][j]); return; } show_path(s,i,s[i][j]); show_path(s,s[i][j],j);}void disp_matrix(int a[][maxsize],int n){ int i,j; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { printf("| "); for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { if(i==j) printf(" - "); else printf("%2d ",a[i][j]); } printf("|\n"); }}
Input-Output :-
abhi@hp-15q-laptop:~$ gcc floyd.cabhi@hp-15q-laptop:~$ ./a.out
Enter the number of vertex : 4
Enter weightage between [1][2] (if no edge then enter 32767) = 7
Enter weightage between [1][3] (if no edge then enter 32767) = 32767
Enter weightage between [1][4] (if no edge then enter 32767) = 2
Enter weightage between [2][1] (if no edge then enter 32767) = 2
Enter weightage between [2][3] (if no edge then enter 32767) = 4
Enter weightage between [2][4] (if no edge then enter 32767) = 3
Enter weightage between [3][1] (if no edge then enter 32767) = 32767
Enter weightage between [3][2] (if no edge then enter 32767) = 32767
Enter weightage between [3][4] (if no edge then enter 32767) = 1
Enter weightage between [4][1] (if no edge then enter 32767) = 32767
Enter weightage between [4][2] (if no edge then enter 32767) = 3
Enter weightage between [4][3] (if no edge then enter 32767) = 32767
The Distance matrix is :-
| - 5 9 2 || 2 - 4 3 || 6 4 - 1 || 5 3 7 - |
The Path matrix is :-
| - 4 4 4 || 1 - 3 4 || 4 4 - 4 || 2 2 2 - |
Enter the two vertex whose distance you want to know :-
Enter the starting vertex Vi = 1
Enter the ending vertex Vj = 3
The shortest distance between vertex 1 to 3 is = 9
The shortest path from 1 to 3 is : 1 -> 4 -> 2 -> 3